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This is an animated solo project I created in Adobe Photoshop of an original poem written by me. It’s about losing someone and not being able to put into words what they meant to you other than through the imagination. 

This piece doesn't have colour because I wanted to create a “doodled in a book” feel as if it was drawing in a diary.

Growing  Young

This piece was the result of a collaborative animation project with @flamoongirlolivia. The project was about a world where the species grow young, instead of old. We wanted to represent the process of accepting the gifts and energies from the universe and giving it back. 

In this project, I created the backgrounds (all animated in Adobe Photoshop) and performed the voice acting. I also shared in the process of making the puppets.

What's   Animation   to   me?

This is another solo animation project where I took a quote by Michael Gondry and turned it into a rotoscope animation using Adobe Animate. I chose this quote because I really like the way he explains animation and how he uses music to do so.

 I went for this style choice as I wanted to experiment with rotoscoping. Through this I achieved a look that was simple, yet believable, and had a pop of colour.

The  Pharaoh's  Soul

This video is the outcome of a group animation project based on the classic "Sword in the Stone" story, where a group of forgotten Egyptian gods try to retrieve a mummy's lingering soul to prove they are worthy of the "God" title.

I was involved in many aspects of this project. I handmade the entire set, composed elements of the music, and produced the final song for the final animation. My contribution also includes the first character you see in the scene, a god of the birds named after an Egyptian bird Allies.

want to watch more art and music? 

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